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A subreddit dedicated to hacking and hacking culture. What we are about: quality and constructive discussion about hacking and hacking culture. We are not here to teach you the basics. Please visit for posting beginner links and tutorials. Hacking related politics welcome. Penalties: Bans are handed out at moderator discretion. Download katekyo hitman reborn mp4. You can be permanently banned even on your first offense if we deem it acceptable, so read the rules: • WE ARE NOT YOUR PERSONAL ARMY • Questions and discussion prompts should be geared towards intermediate to advanced hackers.
• Requesting help/instructions on how to hack anything will be met with ridicule and a ban. Also, nobody cares if you got hacked. Sorry, have a better password. • Aiding those who are looking for help to hack anything will be banned. • Sharing Private data is forbidden (no IP dumping).
A subreddit dedicated to hacking and hackers. Constructive collaboration and learning about exploits, industry standards, grey and white hat. If you have access to your own computer, consider computer programs such as.://
• Spam is strictly forbidden and will result in a ban. (Spam as in links that violate the spam guidelines ) • Off-topic posts will be treated as spam. • Jail-breaking and rooting of phones and posts that aren't directly related to mobile security should be directed to other subreddits such as. • Off-topic or surly responses will be removed (a cryptographic hash!= potato hashes). • Want to learn 'How to hack'?, Please head on to as questions about 'how to hack' anything aren't allowed here. IRC Note: if no one answers immediately, stick around and someone will read it. Recommended Subreddits: • • • • • • • • • • • •.