Army Pa Program Letter Of Intent
Full text of ' ARMY MEDICINE AMEDD Commissioning Programs U.S. Army Recruiting MAJ Ramon S. Bradshaw IPAP Program Manager ARMY MEDICINE AMEDD Commissioning Progra v * Purpose: Educate Soldiers, Leaders and educators on the educational opportunities offered by the AMEDD. >lnterservice Physician Assistant Program for the regular Army and Army Reserve (Army National Guard manages applications separately, but most of the ARMY MEDICINE AMEDD Commissioning Progra What is an Army PA? >Military health care professional certified to practice medicine with physician supervision. >The AMEDD's primary medical provider in battalion and division level TO&E units 'From the Line, For the Line” >ROLE I/ll Subject Matter Expert ARMY MEDICINE AMEDD Commissioning Programs STARTING POINT 1. Research the profession.
Meet with someone in the profession 3. Discuss the options with your family and friends (your support during the training). Meet with your education center counselor about your educational goals, aspirations, and paths. ARMY MEDICINE AMEDD Commissioning Programs All applicants >AII applicants must submit a DA Photo dated within 12 months of board date. >lf deployed ACU photo is okay. Recommend a DA photo >Geographical issues may use commercial photographer with DA Photo standards >Below E-5 may require COC memo for the photo >Passing APFT after 01 Oct >Must be Certified by CDR/1SG ARMY MEDICINE AMEDD Commissioning Programs Letter of Intent (LOI) •Very important! •Must be TYPED.
With my experiences working at Jellison Integrative MD hands-on with patients as a part of a medical team, volunteering with Community Blood Center, and as a member and officer of UMKCs Pre-PA society, I have a lot to offer UMKC’s Physician Assistant program in helping achieve the program’s goals and living up to the mission statement by going into the PA profession with the ambition to achieve clinical excellence, the desire to serve, and dedication to the profession.
•Your opportunity to address the board in your own words. •Have more than one person review your LOI. •Professional who is writing the Letter of recommendation. I ARMY MEDICINE AMEDD Commissioning Programs Letter's of recommendation > First line supervisor >Commander >PA must be on USAREC form 195 (40 shadowing hours) >Maximum of 5 letters >May use USAREC Form 195 or >May use Memorandum format >addressed to the board It's not who you know. It's who knows l t -r ARMY STRONG. ARMY MEDICINE AMEDD Commissioning Programs APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS >Qualified for appointment IAW AR 601- 100, and AR 40-501 >ORB/ERB must be certified true copy from your Commander or 1SG.
>Applicant must meet current HRC policy for 'Time on Station' (TOS 24 months) prior to the projected school start date; Human Resources Command (HRC) clearance will be initiated for those selected to participate. ARMY MEDICINE AMEDD Commissioning APPLICAplISflr^JDSl EMENTS >DA 61 >Military career paperwork >NCOER's/OER's/service record >1059's > Awards Professional training certificates >DD 214/NGB ARMY MEDICINE AMEDD Commissioning Programs APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Commissioning Physical (Original or original signature) > DD 2807-1/DD 2808 > No older than 12 months from board date.
![Letter Letter](http://s3.amazonaws.com/f01.justanswer.com/JACUSTOMERuanoxi5z/2012-02-25_051928_admin_leave_13_dec_2011_.jpg)
Gotovij rp server dlya samp 03e. > Send certified true copies. > Must include ETOH, Drug Screen and HIV tests with lab printout.