Bre Digest 361 Do Buildings Cracked
Do not just stand and stare at the cracks – they are unable to speak and will not give you any clue as to their cause. Instead stand back, look at the whole building from a distance. Walk round the building. Download new bodyworks 60 crack 2016 download and software. Look at the condition of adjoining buildings and other features such as trees. Always work from the general to the particular. Object Moved This document may be found here.
• • Title • Why do buildings crack? Other Authors • Building Research Establishment Published • Garston, Watford: Building Research Establishment, 1991.
Physical Description • 12 p.: col. Series • • Subjects • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Summary • This Digest examines the causes of cracking in buildings and shows, with descriptions and illustrations, the visible results of a wide range of problems.
The Digest is a key to other, more specialised, BRE Digests and other publications and does not contain a complete solution to every cracking problem. It aims to broaden the understanding of the factors responsible and increase the likelihood of correct diagnosis and repair. Avoidance of some of the pitfalls will minimise future trouble in new buildings and lead to better design and workmanship. This Digest replaces Digest 75 which is now withdrawn. Notes • Caption title. • Replaces Digest 75. • Includes bibliographical references (p.
12) Language • English ISBN • Libraries Australia ID • Contributed by Get this edition.
BRE subsidence publications 1 BRE Digest 240, Low-rise buildings on shrinkable clay soils: Part 1, 1993. 2 BRE Digest 241, Low-rise buildings on shrinkable clay soils: Part 2, 1990 3 BRE Digest 242, Low-rise buildings on shrinkable clay soils: Part 3, 1980 (withdrawn)* 4 BRE Digest 251, Assessment of damage in low-rise buildings, 1995.
5 BRE Digest 298, Low-rise building foundations: the influence of trees in clay soils, 1999. 6 BRE Digest 313, Mini-piling for low-rise buildings, 1986 (withdrawn)* 7 BRE Digest 318, Site investigation for low-rise buildings: desk studies, 1987.
8 BRE Digest 322, Site investigation for low-rise buildings: procurement, 1987 9 BRE Digest 343, Simple measuring and monitoring of movement in low-rise buildings – Part 1: cracks, 1989. 10 BRE Digest 344, Simple measuring and monitoring of movement in low-rise buildings - Part 2: settlement, heave and out-of-plumb, 1995 11 BRE Digest 343 and 344 Supplement, Simple measuring and monitoring of movement in low-rise buildings: specifications and suppliers of equipment. 12 BRE Digest 348, Site investigation for low-rise building: the walk-over survey. 13 BRE Digest 352, Underpinning, 1990. 14 BRE Digest 359, Repairing brick and block masonry, 1991. 15 BRE Digest 361, Why do buildings crack? 1991 16 BRE Digest 381, Site investigation for low-rise buildings: trial pits, 1993.
17 BRE Digest 383, Site investigation for low-rise buildings: soil description, 1993. 18 BRE Digest 386, Monitoring building and ground movement by precise levelling, 1993. 19 BRE Digest 411, Site investigation for low-rise building: direct investigations, 1995. 20 BRE Digest 412, Desiccation in clay soils, 1996.
21 BRE Digest 427 Part 1, Low-rise buildings on fill: Classification and load carrying characteristics, 1997 22 BRE Digest 427 Part 2, Low-rise buildings on fill: Site investigation, ground movement and foundation design, 1998 23 BRE Digest 427 Part 3, Low-rise buildings on fill: Engineered fill, 1998 24 BRE Digest 475, Tilt of low-rise buildings with particular reference to progressive foundation movement. 25 BRE Information Paper IP 4/93. A method of determining the state of desiccation in clay soils. M S Crilly and R J Chandler, February 1993.