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Varauma: The Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria does not approve the present wording of article 42 which might prevent the application of the Convention to 'non-metropolitan' territories. The Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 48, paragraph 2, which prescribe the compulsory referral of any dispute to the International Court of Justice.
The Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria declares that the agreement of all parties to a dispute shall in every case be necessary for the referral thereof to the International Court of Justice. Varauma: Liittynyt p?yt?kirjalla muutettuun yleissopimukseen. Reservation The Principality of Andorra does not consider itself bound by the provisions of paragraph 2 of article 48 which provide for a mandatory referral to the International Court of Justice of any dispute which cannot be resolved according to the terms of paragraph 1.
Uticaj organskih inhibitora na koroziono po našanje mesinga u rastvoru natrijum-sulfata Rezime: U ovom radu ispitivano je elektrohemijsko ponašanje mesinga u neutralnom i alkalnom rastvoru natrijum sulfata kao i uticaj cisteina, purina, 2-aminotiazola i 2-amino-5-etil.
The Government of Andorra takes the position that for any dispute to be referred to the International Court of Justice for decision the agreement of all the parties to the dispute shall be necessary in each individual case. Varauma: '[Subject to the reservations] referred to in article 49 (1) (a), (d) and (e) of the Convention, namely, subject to the right of the Government of the People?s Republic of Bangladesh to permit temporarily in its territory: (a) The quasi-medical use of opium, (d) The use of cannabis, cannabis resin, extracts and tinctures of cannabis for non-medical purposes, and (e) The production and manufacture of and trade in the drugs referred to under (a) and (d) above for the purposes mentioned therein.' Varauma: Liittynyt p??yt??kirjalla muutettuun yleissopimukseen. Reservation The Plurinational State of Bolivia reserves the right to allow in its territory: traditional coca leaf chewing; the consumption and use of the coca leaf in its natural state for cultural and medicinal purposes, such as its use in infusions; and also the cultivation, trade and possession of the coca leaf to the extent necessary for these licit purposes. At the same time, the Plurinational State of Bolivia will continue to take all necessary measures to control the cultivation of coca in order to prevent its abuse and the illicit production of the narcotic drugs which may be extracted from the leaf. • BOSNIA-HERTSEGOVINA.
Varauma: Declaration 'The People?s Republic of Bulgaria considers it necessary to stress that the wording of article 40, paragraph 1; article 12, paragraphs 2 and 3; article 13, paragraph 2; article 14, paragraphs 1 and 2; and article 31, paragraph 1 'b' has a discriminatory character as it excludes the participation of a certain number of States. These texts are obviously inconsistent with the character of the Convention, aiming at unifying the efforts of all Parties with a view to achieving regulation of the questions, affecting the interests of all countries in this field.' • BURKINA FASO. Varauma: Reservation made upon signature and confirmed upon ratifica tion: '(1)..
Baixar filme asterix e obelix misso clepatra dublado. The Gauls are pardoned and catch Amonbofis and Krukhut despite their attempt to hide inside Sarcophogi; their punishment is to work for Numerobis as labourers. Cleopatra gloats over the likelihood of winning her bet to Caesar, who fears he will lose face with her should she get the better of him and instructs his spy to infiltrate the building site.
'(3) With respect to article 48, paragraph 2, the Indonesian Government does not consider itself bound by the provisions of this paragraph which provide for a mandatory reference to the International Court of Justice of any dispute which cannot be resolved according to the terms of paragraph 1. The Indonesian Government takes the position that for any dispute to be referred to the International Court of Justice for decision the agreement of all the parties to the dispute shall be necessary in each individual case.' Varauma: Reservations: 'Subject to the reservations referred to in Article 49 (1) (a), (b), (d) and (e) of the Convention, namely, subject to the right of the Government of India to permit temporarily in any of its territories: '(a) The quasi-medical use of opium, '(b) Opium smoking, '(d) The use of cannabis, cannabis resin, extracts and tinctures of cannabis for non-medical purposes, and '(e) The production and manufacture of and trade in the drugs referred to under (a), (b), and ' (d) above for the purposes mentioned therein. Declarations: 'Since the Government of India do not recognise the Nationalist Chinese authorities as the competent Government of China, they cannot regard signature of the said Convention by a Nationalist Chinese Representative as a valid signature on behalf of China.' Varauma: Reservation: '1. The Chinese Government has reservation on paragraph 2, article 48 of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 [as amended] and on paragraph 2, article 31 of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971.
Chertezhi promishlennogo zdaniya v avtokade. The CT Scan revealed a Brain Stem (BSG), which is a growth of certain nerve cells in the proximal part of the brain which houses most of the vital structures necessary for life - hence it is associated with a very poor prognosis. Lamabadusuriya ordered a scan of the brain, since he could not exclude the possibility of a Space Occupying Lesion in the Brain.