Milwaukee Tools Serial Number Date Code
Look up warranty information on any Milwaukee Tool product including repair cost. It's not necessary as we can use the serial number to determine a tool's age. Date code of tool will be used to determine if product is within warranty period.
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Link to find parts list: You can google the part number and find numerous suppliers. RECALL NOTICE! Milwaukee is providing a no-charge warranty service to owners of 1610-1, 1630-1 1/2' Compact Hole-Shooter Drills and 1670-1, 1675-1 1/2' Hole- Hawg速 Drills. We are taking this action because under certain circumstances the switch of the drill may stick in the 'on' position, which could lessen control of the product, posing a risk of injury to the operator.
1610-1, 1630-1 1/2' Compact Hole-Shooter Drills and 1670-1, 1675-1 1/2' Hole- Hawg速 Drills within the serial number ranges shown below and sold between May 30,2000 and February 27, 2001 are affected. Nameplate Catalog Number Serial Number Range 1610-1 713 thru 797 1630-1 757 thru 718 1670-1 461 thru 488 1675-1 467 thru 400 Drills listed should be inspected for the presence of a Switch with a date code within 0 0 2 1 t h r o u g h 0044. If the unit contains a subject dated coded switch, please return drill to the nearest Milwaukee factory Service Center or Authorized Service station for no-charge warranty replacement of the switch. Affected switches carry a manufacture's four [4] digit date code of 0 0 2 1 t h r u 0044 imprinted on its body.
If nameplate has an ' X' stamped into the tool's nameplate, next to the catalog number, the tool has been repaired and the defective switch has already been replaced. If you need assistance in locating the service facility nearest you or have questions please call 1.800.729.3878 Oct 05, 2010 .