Garmin Xt Wince 800x480
Thought I'd share, here's what I used to get it working on WinCE 6.0 with 800x480: Garmin Mobile XT CE for Chinanavi with 800x480.
This is not the unique version of Garmin Mobile XT for WinCE 5.0, there are several versions that may change the methods described here for installation, patching, menus, etcI chose this version because it’s the most recent (v5.00.10) and is almost whole time in fullscreen.• Insert SD card on computer. • From the downloaded file unzip Garmin folder directly into SD card. Get the serial. • Remove the SD card from computer and insert into GPS.
Up to 2Gb, if not the GPS unit doesn't detect it; hardware continues to be antique. • Click on > Ford transit 2006 podklyuchenie avtosignalizacii. My device SDMMC Garmin Apps WM Que.exe and execute. • Garmin is without unlock, so will show this screen and you must select 'Connect to Garmin GPS', press 'Skip' and confirm with 'Yes'. We accept the warning of risks and we would be inside.
• Click on Tools; Settings; About and will show us our ID card that will write carefully. Note: If we change card, the ID will be different, well as the unlock code. If at any time ask us if we want to connect to other GPS, we'll say no. • Exit Garmin and of WinCE explorer if is running and remove the card from GPS.
• Connect the card to computer and run the keygen (is within Garmin XT). • On Enter your ID here fill the ID card, select Garmin Mobile XT and click on Generate. Will return us the unlock code that we'll copy to clipboard. • Open Notepad and paste the serial and save as SW.UNL. Noti dlya fortepiano pesni ani lorak solnce. In Garmin folder, be sure to save it under that name, lest may have hidden the extensions.
To enhance the interface of Garmin may can do a few things. The first is go to Start; Settings; Taskbar and Start menu and mark Autohide so hide the taskbar and when you run Garmin XT can press on the main screens (desactivate Garmin online and risks of driving with GPS) that are obligatory step to access the program. Hide the taskbar is just possible if you only run Garmin XT, and not use GPS as a PDA. Since you can't show again, because you can't access some options. Garmin Mobile XT comes only with the base map, so it's necessary to get our appropriate updated, in my case Spain/Portugal. It would be desirable to have the Europe map, but 8Gb card is not detected.
The Europe map occupies nearly 2Gb and added with base map exceeds the 2Gb of card capacity. The map you get must to call it GMAPSUPP.IMG, and if is requiered unlock code must to save it as GMAPSUPP.UNL.
And everything into the Garmin directory of SD card, as in forums advise us that GPS runs slow if we save maps in GPS memory. Automatic run.
Would be helluva that bit time when you power on GPS this running with Garmin? This can be get by placing a shortcut on: ResidentFlash StartUp. With card inserted into GPS and WinCE explorer we go to executable My device SDMMC Garmin Apps WM Que.exe, once is selected on command bar execute File; Send To; Desktop as Shortcut. This will create a shortcut on the desktop, which we copy by holding down the shortcut and selecting Copy, and in: ResidentFlash Startup hold down the screen and select Paste. Reboot and will be ready. Notes • The POIs of 'My Locations' I could not find how to save changes in a complete shutdown (or reboot) of GPS, so if need your own POIs will have to be external. These will placed in POI folder under format.GPI, accessing them with Where to; Extras.
Related: • To save space on card can be erased the voices (which more occupies) and help manuals in languages that don't use -although by safety I always leave the English language-, and EULAs. VIDEOTUTORIAL HD. ↓ • obiwan2208 That's what I highlighted in post, in far days I saw many versions 2Gb but also occupies the base map. 😦 The result is that I'm posting maps of Spain rather than Europe.
Now you brought it up I consider even the ability to remove the base map, since it's used when you zoom out much of cartography (cities, roads, etc.) like to see the track in perspective.Another is using MapSource. Install Europe map, select maps you need and save the resulting map on card, reducing the weight map by removing maps that not will be usedis how to I updated the Spain map, is based from map of Europe 2013.40.Related post: PD. Congratulations by your new avatar:cheers: Me gusta. ↓ • obiwan2208 Originally posted by Beng: how can i move the Garmin from SDMCC to the GPS internal memory.