Dr Web Antivirus Haqida
Mana bu yerdan dr web Cure iT ni yozib oling va scan qiling. Hamma viruslarni o'chirgandan keyin yaxshisi symantec o'rnating. Mazkur antivirus haqida ko'proq.
Web shield icon Dr.Web is a software suite developed by anti-malware company Doctor Web. First released in 1992, it became the first service in Russia. The company also offers anti-spam solutions and is used by to scan attachments.
It also features an add-on for all major browsers which checks links with the online version of Dr Web. Dr.Web has withdrawn from AV tests such as VB100% around 2008 stating that they believe that virus scans on viruses are different subject from that of real world malware attacks. Main article: Dr.Web discovered the ransomware Linux.Encoder.1 that affected more than 2,000 Linux users. Linux.Encoder.2 which was discovered later turned out to be an earlier version of this ransomware. Trojan.Skimer discovery and attacks on Doctor Web offices [ ] Doctor Web received a threat supposedly from the Trojan writers or criminal organization sponsoring this malware's development and promotion: On March 31, after two arson attacks were carried out on Igor Daniloff's anti-virus laboratory in St. Petersburg, company received a second threat.
Doctor Web released a statement that the company considers it its duty to provide users with the ultimate protection against the encroachments of cybercriminals and consequently, efforts aimed at identifying and studying ATM threats with their ATM Shield. See also [ ].
Retrieved 2014-02-17. • Web, Doctor (2013-10-07). Retrieved 2014-02-17. Retrieved 2015-11-03. • • • Greenberg, Andy (April 9, 2012). Retrieved April 10, 2012.
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Retrieved 2015-11-27. • Dr.Web (November 6, 2015). Retrieved November 16, 2015. Retrieved 2015-12-09. Retrieved 2015-12-09. Retrieved 2015-12-09. External links [ ] • (in English).