Astrologicheskaya Programma Kala
Compatibility Module. Kala's Compatibility Module takes relationship compatibility to the next level with more compatibility specific calculations than any other Vedic Astrology compatibility software and the only effective astrological compatibility report.
Compatibility Module Kala's Compatibility Module takes relationship compatibility to the next level with more compatibility specific calculations than any other Vedic Astrology compatibility software and the only effective astrological compatibility report. With Kala's Compatibility Module you can: • See the Ashta Kutas between not only the Moon, but also the Lagna and all the other planets. • See Rajju Dosha, Vedha Dosha, Strii Diirgha, Mahendra and Vasya between not only the Moon, but also the Lagna and all the other planets.
• Overlay the two charts, either Rasi or Navamsa, or Rasi and Navamsa. • See Aspects between the two charts, both Graha Drishti and Tajika Aspects. • See Ashtakavarga points between the couple • See Composite Charts • See Davidson Charts Additionally, clicking on any of the headings in the Kutas matching pulls up a box explaining what each Kutas does, making the compatibility module a tutorial as well.
Finally, Kala provides a multi-page report that effectively explains the compatibility in modern terms and with meanings that are applicable to modern life. To see a sample report please read below. Kala - Vedic Astrology Software on CD 254.95 Download Kala Vedic Astrology Software 244.95 We welcome Phone Orders: 760-420-5648 Sample Relationship Report for Prince Charles and Princess Diana The traditional method of relationship compatibility based upon the Moons of the couple determines their fundamental compatibility. It measures the flow of the life force, or energy, between the two people, whether harmonious or inharmonious.
This energy must flow from a positive to a negative terminal, just like a battery, for best results. Any obstructions to this flow may create a loss of power and therefore inertia, or a short circuit that may quickly heat up and explode. Several of the matchings measure to see if there is such an obstruction to the flow of the couple's energies. Vedha, Rajju, and Strii-Diirgha are these most important matchings and any one of these that is afflicted will cause serious difficulties within the relationship. Squirrel gazovie kotli full.
If Rajju, Nadi, or Rasi are unacceptable, there may be an exception present that wards off the great difficulties that may be created; the relationship will its weaknesses, but ones that are workable. If Strii-Diirgha is afflicted, but the exception for Rasi Kuta is met, then Strii-Diirgha will be OK as well.
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